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Why "A Man Without A Star"??

A Man Without A Star is one of my childhood favorite movies...

This weblog was supposed to be named differently. Like I said in my last post, I registered 5 or 6 blogs, non of which got really started. However, all of them were (and are) named after my favorite movies. Now you tell me which one will make sense for this weblog.

1. For A Few Dollars More
2. Nakhoda Khorshid
3. Snake's Fang
4. Adam Barfi

Well I can name many other movies that I have actually loved. But I guess for a weblogs name most of them do not make sense. I am not saying those mentioned above do make sense! But just came to my mind when I was registering my weblog(s).

Now that I am thinking, maybe choosing an already used name comes more from my conservative behavior. Maybe I used a known name not to risk rejection from potential audience by using a unique name. Or it might come from my extreme laziness which picks the easiest way to achieve a goal.To make things even more confusing, I have also picked Kandou!!!

I don't even know why I started this weblog. I know I will not discuss politics and religion here. It will mostly discuss movies, my life as a bachelor, Iran's Professional League, EU Champions League, and what else...Probably my progress in cooking as well!!

I finally managed to do grocery shopping yesterday in Superstore. I just discovered that there are numerous shopping centers wittin 5 minutes of where I have been living for almost a year now! I have even prepared lunch for myself!!

Can you imagine??