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Immigration Law

When I remember how we used to treat Afghanis fleeing to Iran after their civil war broke out, I laugh at how our intellectuals critic the new immigration bill proposed to legalize the status of those living in USA illegally for a long time.

The fact of the matter is, it is always easy to criticize and run away from responsibility. It is always easy to use the freedom of expression provided by American values to hammer them with whatever we can.

One important aspect of legalizing the status of illegal immigrants is the tax. We can't forget that illegal immigrants live on other tax payers shoulders. They use public services such as schools, roads, highways, airports and so forth which are mainly funded by income taxes collected by the municipal, state and federal governments.

All that aside, why do you think legalizing them is not a final solution to figure out a consistent, steady status? Why bring emotions towards issues that need technical knowledge to solve?

It is always easy to picture a girl, who claims to be a good student and not a criminal. Perfect image to bring tears to people's eyes...how ever, who values other legal residents' rights who work hard and pay taxes and do not receive as much service as they should, because they are used up by "illigal" immigrants.

Assuming that it is reasonable to critic US government for their role in bringing up these issues. Do you really thing Iranian intellectuals are qualified to make that accusations? Don't you think they must go first clean up their own mess with Afghanis, or even Iranian nations other than Fars?