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Corporate America

Corporate America is another name for the working environment in North America. In a more specific way, it is referred to a unique life/work style.

"Corporate Life" and "executive Life" are usually referred to the life style high ranking executives have who work in big American corporates. Usually it is associated with unbelievable amount of salary, bonuses, private or corporate jets, 5 star hotels for meetings and business trips, vacations to the best resorts in the world...Or whatever else an average person can wish for! But that is only one side of the matter!

Corporate Life is nothing easy! The fact of the matter is, it is actually very difficult to handle! Corporate guys must comply with their companies rules. They must return profits...Profits!! That's the key word in Corporate America! Any plans that can turn into new profits or increase the current ones are welcome! Nothing is more valuable than shareholder's benefits! Every effort is made to increase the value of investments or what they call "RENTS".

"RENTS" are referred to the benefits that are earned beyond a normal return some one can expect on a typical investment. It is amazing what companies do to earn rents. I have been following corporate news for a long time. At first it might sound boring! But after a while, you'll see that it is really exciting! You'll see that it is not the money..It is the game! Warren Buffet (BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC)does not need that money...neither did Sam Walton (WalMart), nor does Bill Gates (Microsoft)...

All these men came to make a difference. They performed as legendary managers who led their corporate to the edge of success and wealth! It is only in Corporate America where you can find such concentration of veteran corporate leaders who have made a difference.

I personally love the idea of economic managers becoming political leaders as well...That is my next post!