Mr. Khatami, President of Iran
Mr. Khatami...President of Iran...
I was 24 when he got elected for the first time. All of us, endorsed him, persuaded others to vote for him, and cheered in streets upon his election.
I was 28 when he ran for the second term, when Hajjarian quoted Moshiri's poet in Azadi Stadium, and used it as an incentive to tell us to go and vote again...I voted again and danced with others in streets again!
I am now almost 31...
If he deserves all they say about him...If he proved to be useless in first term, why did we elect him for a second term?? Why did we give him another chance?
He was, and has been, and will be loyal, to the constitution he swore to protect, and to the country's political system. He did not betrayed people's votes. People expected too much of him...things he did not promise..things he was not meant to do..things he was not prepared to do!
He prevented a massive social eruption, if that is the right word for it. He sacrificed his name, his popularity, his friends and so many other things to save the future of this land, of this people...
This was his biggest service to Iran's people.