Strategic Management
The name of "Strategic Management" for some reason always sounded like leading a military operation to me!! I don't know why! but that is how it was! It was long before I realized that the core of Strategic Management has little to do with military, even though, leading such operations definitely needs it!
When I first took the Strategic Management courses in my MBA, I realized how far my initial thoughts were from the reality. Basically, the Strategic Management is the art of shaping an organization's operation to optimize its use of resources to meet the objectives! In other words, it is a way of achieving the goals set by founders or shareholders with minimum utilization of resources!
In world of business, which is my favorite topic, strategic management will divide into two sub, yet inter-dependable category! Business Strategy and Corporate Strategy. Corporate Strategy will define what markets the firm will compete in, as well as defining its growth strategy, while Business Strategy states how it will compete in those markets!
Most of the topics, when associated with real life case studies, are exciting and interesting for me. However, it is even more challenging to try to apply what you read, to what really happens in your world, which is a different story!
When I first took the Strategic Management courses in my MBA, I realized how far my initial thoughts were from the reality. Basically, the Strategic Management is the art of shaping an organization's operation to optimize its use of resources to meet the objectives! In other words, it is a way of achieving the goals set by founders or shareholders with minimum utilization of resources!
In world of business, which is my favorite topic, strategic management will divide into two sub, yet inter-dependable category! Business Strategy and Corporate Strategy. Corporate Strategy will define what markets the firm will compete in, as well as defining its growth strategy, while Business Strategy states how it will compete in those markets!
Most of the topics, when associated with real life case studies, are exciting and interesting for me. However, it is even more challenging to try to apply what you read, to what really happens in your world, which is a different story!