Monday, December 20, 2004


I am finally done with my BAMA 500 and BAPA 500 exams. I am now happy I did not allocate more time than I did. For once being selective paied up!!

Christmas is a week away and the traffic is horrible. I am going to have a very quiet holiday, since both my brothers and half my friends are going to be away. I was supposed to be in Iran this week, which didn't work. This is the third New Year during which I did not go to Iran.

Iran...prabably the name itself does not mean anything. Literally, it mean "Aryan Land". But it is associated with 25 years of my life, with all bad and good memories. Bad or good, it belongs to us. Bad or good, we made it. Bad or good, I miss it. Now more than ever, I feel like I belong to there, not to here. I don't mean to sound depressed or negative, but I really feel lik I wanted to be there right now.

Some times I catch myslef thinking how come I do love to be there, but I still don't want to sacrifice for it. I can take off work, take off school, and the hell with the money, and just go..have fun for a few weeks and come back. Well, emotionally, this is the right thing to do. Logically, no...

I know had I done that, the concequences would have been more painful than the joyment of a trip to Iran can ever be. I would have had to postpone graduation for almost a year, and I would have lost all my vacations!

The plan is to fly to Iran in the summer. No matter what, I will be going in July...

So Iran, be ready, I am coming, and know by heart, that I miss you, where ever you are...

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

My Office

When I first started working in USA, I was assigned to a cubic office, that is what they call it, which was referred to as "my area". It was strange for me, since I had always seen people having a room, calling it office. I think I was annoyed a little bit, expecting to have a room of my own.

As I got busier, and visited other firms, I realized that is quite normal for people to have "areas", rather than individual rooms. First, it reduces the leased are, which will mean a less cost to the company. Second, it promotes the newcomers efficiency by not giving them too much privacy!

The second part turned to actually be true in my case. When I moved back to Canada, I first went to Alberta to help our Edmonton office. I was assigned an area over there. When I came back to British Columbia I still had an area. After a while, I was given my own room. At first, I was really happy! I felt like a real engineer.

Now that I am thinking, it is not as good as it looks. Basically, when you are given your own room, it means you are ready to accept more level of responsibility (am I??). In addition, you must act like a professional engineer. It is not as good as it sounds like. That is all I can say...

Monday, December 13, 2004


I have never been a music fan. I mean, I do listen to music, specially while driving, but I can't name a singer, or a band that I can say I am a fan...

The only music band I have ever liked, and have been loyal to them is Metallica. I still remember the time when there was tape instead of CD's and original recordings were rare in Iran. We had to wait until some one's some one bring a new album from a foreign trip! And ask for a copy.

Last night I was reviewing's flash clip. I say Nothing Else Matters, and Fade to Black, both of which my very favorite Metallica songs.

Their "Metallica" album, (the black one), was the first thing I bought myself while I was student in UBC. I listened to it songs many many times while driving from Seattly to Vancouver. These two songs are one of the best performance (in my opinion) to date. They also bring back memories from my home town Mashad, and those times my friends and I spent keeping up wit the rock world!

Friday, December 10, 2004


Enron Posted by Hello

When I heard Jeffrey Skilling is going to be tried for his part in Enron's fall in 2001, I remembered a series of events...

Since mid-90's, Enron ran one of the most lucrative businesses of all time. The grow faster than any other company in their times, to place 7th in 500 Fortune in 2001. The giant energy trader gradually sank into financial troubles, led by executive corporate scandals ranged from inside trading to off balance sheet arrangement's to hid debt and "fatten" profits.

Keneth Lay, former Chairman and CEO of the Enron prior to its collapse, used his constitutional right of "Fifth Amendment" to refuse testifying before congressional investigation panel and therefore avoid self-incrimination.

At that time, tons of media accusaction made against US system of allowing them get away with the collaps, which wasted away large amounts of retirement plans invested in the company! One thing in particular: Ken Lay is close friend of Bush family. Mass of media attention was drawn to the fact that two Texan businessmen were once, and still are, friends.

But when he got arrested in July 2004, there was little attention to "where all that connection go?" type of questions. He was arrested only after Andrew Fastow confessed to conspiracy, opening the way for Lay's and Skilling's arrests.

It was amazing, at least for me, how they apply their constitutional rights in USA. Prosecutors had no evidence against Ken Lay. He was entitled to use his "Fifth Amendment" right. He did and at that time they could not press charges. Once Anrew Fastow, who was the ring between Lay in the compan'y operation confessed to the irregularities emloyed by Enron to show higher profits, despite huge losses, he got arestted. He is free on bail to be tried in future.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ocean 11 Posted by Hello

It was a long time since I watched a movie in full. Last night after I left office at almost 8:45 PM, I realized that CityTV is broadcasting Ocean's 11. I had heard about it and that it is an interesting movie. I am happy that I watched it! It was really good!

The better news: Ocean's 12 will open this Friday. I will definitely watch it since my lovely Catherine Zeta Jones stars in it...God I can't believe how beautiful she is...

I am going to a concert tomorrow night. To be honest, I think I need some fun. After I canceled my trip to Iran, and postponed it to summer (hopefully, as always) I was feeling not good at all. So I guess I am entitled to have some fun, now.

I will get my camera tonight. I will also get my digital cable box. Champions league after a couple of years must be great! I have also decided to watch more movies, which is the Movie Central job!

The bad news, is that I have two exams to write next weekend. BAMA 500 and BAPA 500 are the two toughest exams we must write. I have also started a deadly project as well. Some times I think I can understand why my father was always always complaining about time shortage. He used to say if days were a few hours longer, it would have been better for him. Now I think if days were a few more hours longer, I could have slept more!!

I am progressing in cooking. Last night, along with the movie, I did myself pasta, based on what Hamid had told me. Overall I was happy with the result and ate like a horse. Later on I sensed that there is something missing. Then I realized that when doing the pasta sauce, I forgot to fry the meat in onion. He had told me that the taste will not be that good if meat is fried with no onion. Does any one know why??

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Mr. Khatami, President of Iran

Mr. Khatami...President of Iran... Posted by Hello

I was 24 when he got elected for the first time. All of us, endorsed him, persuaded others to vote for him, and cheered in streets upon his election.

I was 28 when he ran for the second term, when Hajjarian quoted Moshiri's poet in Azadi Stadium, and used it as an incentive to tell us to go and vote again...I voted again and danced with others in streets again!

I am now almost 31...

If he deserves all they say about him...If he proved to be useless in first term, why did we elect him for a second term?? Why did we give him another chance?

He was, and has been, and will be loyal, to the constitution he swore to protect, and to the country's political system. He did not betrayed people's votes. People expected too much of him...things he did not promise..things he was not meant to do..things he was not prepared to do!

He prevented a massive social eruption, if that is the right word for it. He sacrificed his name, his popularity, his friends and so many other things to save the future of this land, of this people...

This was his biggest service to Iran's people.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

My New Project

This is my New Project Posted by Hello

This is my new project. When I came to the office today morning, I was informed that I will lead and manage a team of 5 technicians for this project. It is, as you can see in the above picture, an interchange whose signals nee to be modified according to the new traffic volume. A new facility has been proposed close to this interchange which will generate significant additional traffic into the network. This additional traffic makes the old programming of signal and also the network's geometry not responsive to the demand. Therefore, we know at least three elements will fail...My job is to identify the failing elements, as well as recommending the most effective solution for them...

Sounds interesting?? well, I would say, I am beginning to like my job far better than when I started. I have now have a significantly higher level of responsibility than when I was working at K2. But I have to admit, K2 was a great experience for me...

I also beginning an internal project that has to do with production optimization, and corporate culture related to that. That will be an ongoing project to improve ISL's productivity.

I guess paying for MBA, and putting so much of efforts (specifically losing many weekend morning sleep!!!) has slowly started paying up!!

I have been working since early morning. We have a group meeting for our BAMA 500 class. I have to drive all the way to downtown Vancouver...It is almost 50 km and I am really tired...

One thing I have learnt is that, specially in North America, those who have a happy life with 8 hours of work per day, are generally those who live lower than my expectations. I say "generally" because I am not applying this to everyone. There are a few exceptions...But generally those who make good money, work harder than those who make average money (again, with my standards)....

Monday, December 06, 2004

Stock Market

Ever wondered how stock markets work?

Well let me say that no one can actually tell!! Experience, corporate knowledge, reliable economic data..etc, can help, but nothing is predictable!!

It was funny when I heard in our Corporate Finance class that the graphs from a stock market performance over time, looks hardly different from a coin flip a few times. Basically it is quite random...why?? no one knows!!

It has mostly to do with investor behaviors. Many many things have influence on the average typical investor. Other than big shot corporate like mutual fund institutions, average investors count for more than half of the stock investments in USA. That is a very very rough estimate. But it does indicate that the market is influenced by the public reaction to such fluctuations such as interest rate, unemployment rates, or even oil price.

For those who would like to start practicing their investment skills, CBS Marketwatch has an excellent tool to do so. You get a million dollar credit to practice your skills with real time data!

I used to play a lot, however my portfolio was lost when the previous owner sold the system to CBS. As soon as I am done with my finals in late December, I will get on it again!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Again Class

This is a very boring weekend for me here. It is raining...I had two parties to go last night, both of which I had to cut in half...I also had to wake up 4:30 in the morning (I went to bed at 1:30 AM) so I could complete my assignment and study for the BAPA 500 quiz!!

We just did the quiz...and wait for the next lecture about a website (actually a porn site) that has generated so much money that became a lecture topic in all business schools!! Then they say education is a path to money!!

I was thinking of taking a vacation to Iran this Christmas. Well, as you can guess it got cancelled. It was not my fault, though...I can not blame any one else either...It is so complicated that would need posts and posts and posts to describe it..Maybe some day if "someone" felt comfortable I will post the story here...

By the way, I have started writing in my Farsi weblog (Kandou) as well. Go there if you want to see some single handed Farsi typing results...

Friday, December 03, 2004

BAMA 500

Right now I am sitting in BAMA 500 class, trying to learn why Johnson & Johnson actually expanded into Philippines and what their strategy was!

Can you ever find any thing more boring to listen to on a Friday night??

This is my new Camera...I have not bought it yet, though!!! Posted by Hello

This is me!! Vancouver Island Ferry, BC, July 2004 Posted by Hello


Finally weekend came!! For some time, I thought it will never come this week!

First I was sick! I had a soar throat I couldn't even talk! Then I had a project that had gone over budget and I was not sure if I should continue!

My trip to Iran got cancelled as well...Need I say more to introduce a miserable week?

But it is finally gone. Even though the weekend does not look much happier either!! Tonight I have classes from 5 to 9 PM. Tomorrow classes from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Then it is ISL's Christmas part, which I need to go!

I have a big assignment due Sunday morning! I really want to attend a party to which I am invited on Saturday night!!

The only good thing is that I finally made up my mind regarding buying a digital camera after 3 years!! I have picked Canon SD200, which comes in bundle with a multi-functional printer...What do you think??

PS my fried has a new baby! Her name is Eleena!! Congratulations Babak and Samira! I wish you and new baby girl a great great time!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Corporate America

Corporate America is another name for the working environment in North America. In a more specific way, it is referred to a unique life/work style.

"Corporate Life" and "executive Life" are usually referred to the life style high ranking executives have who work in big American corporates. Usually it is associated with unbelievable amount of salary, bonuses, private or corporate jets, 5 star hotels for meetings and business trips, vacations to the best resorts in the world...Or whatever else an average person can wish for! But that is only one side of the matter!

Corporate Life is nothing easy! The fact of the matter is, it is actually very difficult to handle! Corporate guys must comply with their companies rules. They must return profits...Profits!! That's the key word in Corporate America! Any plans that can turn into new profits or increase the current ones are welcome! Nothing is more valuable than shareholder's benefits! Every effort is made to increase the value of investments or what they call "RENTS".

"RENTS" are referred to the benefits that are earned beyond a normal return some one can expect on a typical investment. It is amazing what companies do to earn rents. I have been following corporate news for a long time. At first it might sound boring! But after a while, you'll see that it is really exciting! You'll see that it is not the money..It is the game! Warren Buffet (BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC)does not need that money...neither did Sam Walton (WalMart), nor does Bill Gates (Microsoft)...

All these men came to make a difference. They performed as legendary managers who led their corporate to the edge of success and wealth! It is only in Corporate America where you can find such concentration of veteran corporate leaders who have made a difference.

I personally love the idea of economic managers becoming political leaders as well...That is my next post!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Little Big Man

Some times I think I have not grown up despite my age and living alone for almost 6 years now. This summer, it will be exactly 6 years that I am living alone! During this years, I experienced studying hard, working hard, moving hard, and feeling alone hard!!!

Now that I look back, and I compare myself to what I was before my moving to Canada, I see I have not changed significantly. I have become lazier...That's for sure!! But I still have the same attitude towards anything! To be honest, I can't even name a few areas in which I have changed!! I mean...You expect some one leaving his family when he is 25 to start a single life to actually grow up and be mature, right? Well, in my case, some times I think it did not happen!! I have to mention the fact that people around me might not think the same! Most of them think of me as some one successful (with their standards!!)...But I don't know why I am not happy!!

I have gone as far as some one can go in my age in terms of education and work! I have had wonderful family to rely on (which I never did!!!). I have had a pool of wonderful friends whom I love by heart. I wish I will have a chance to introduce them here one by one! But I don't know what I don't feel happy!!

To be honest, I have changed...I mean, my expectations have changed. There was a time when I remember all I wished was to have a chance to drive my father's car into Mashad's streets. When I came to Canada, I thought a certain level of education does it all for me! After that I thought a good job is the answer to everything! I worked in USA for two years! But I felt I need more, and this is not my share of life! Now I am doing MBA and work, too...But I am still not satisfied...

PS It is 6:10 PM. I am sitting in UBC Robson Square campus, waiting for my teammates to review the case studies we did for the coming weekend. You have no idea how boring this meetings are. Not that they are bad people! They are just fine and very friendly! However, the subject is boring! Remember the case I told you about? We are going to review that! Also, we are doing some Managerial Economics questions! Who knows when all these will be useful for us!! Never, probably??

I remember when I was a freshman in university I was always wondering when we will use all the stuff we have to put through our heads. I got graduated, and worked for a while. Then I went abroad and got even more education and better job! Now I am working in a much higher position and pursuing even higher level of education!! After all these do you know what I learnt regarding education??

It is good only when it comes from a practical point angle. Theories will never be used, they are called theories because they are theories and have no practical values! I admit the fact that there are methods for everything that are actually based on previous theories. However, I value a technical knowledge in any area far more than some nonsense book related stuff!!

I studies civil engineering. We went through all the design tables and manuals. You know what we found out after we graduated? That what we learnt is hardly valued more than garbage in the job market! The only place where our education really mattered was the regional municipality where they needed an engineers permission and supervision to sign/seal a buildings plan and supervise while construction!! Even that would take three years after graduation!! Pretty impressive usage, right??

Anyways, I have to go back to work! Enough with nonsense!

PSS I will see a good friend of mine tonight!!